Arvada Wildlife Control

Whether you have a squirrels in your attic, a raccoon problem, a bird or bat issue, snakes, a rat or mouse infestation, skunks, moles and more, we can help.

A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting

We are a professional wildlife control company servicing the Arvada, Colorado area. Our line if work is also referred to as nuisance wildlife removal, animal damage control, animal trapping, etc. We specialize in solving conflicts between people and wild animals, throughout Arvada. Call A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting any time for a phone consultation to learn about their services, at 303-655-8218.

Arvada Wildlife Control
Location: Arvada

A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting services the greater Arvada, CO region. It's also possible that they service a wider range. Visit their website or call them to learn more about their service range.

Phone: 303-655-8218

Call A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting at 303-655-8218. This is their publicly published phone number. Operating hours may vary, but most wildlife removal companies answer their phone promptly.


Visit A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting at Their website gives you more details about the company, services provided, hours, email address contact, etc.

Though some wildlife removal companies also provide general pest control, including insect control, Colorado animal removal is a specialty service, quite a bit different than the work of a normal exterminator company. Nuisance animal control companies provide general animal trapping and wildlife prevention, including animal damage repairs. Services may vary, but most companies remove animals in the house or attic like squirrels or rats, and also handle raccoons, opossums, or skunks, bird or bat colony removal, emergency snake or dead animal removal services.

What prices does A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting charge?


Learn more about A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting of Arvada, Colorado.


For an accurate list of services, consult Most animal removal companies provide a complete range of services to solve every wild animal problem in Colorado. Not just animal trapping and relocation, but wildlife prevention, such as home repairs to close entry holes, fencing around sheds or decks, etc. Dead animal removal and odor control. Emergency services, such as snake removal. Most companies do rodent control of rats & mice, bat colony removal, bird control and prevention, mole trapping, and even attic cleanup. Call 303-655-8218 to check.


Servicing the Arvada, Colorado area, but may extend beyond that. If unsure, visit or call them at 303-655-8218 to find out their service locations and range.


Most companies do a pretty good job of answering their phone and being available most days, in particular because animals can be trapped on Sundays, or emergencies can happen those days. But hours may vary. Just call 303-655-8218 to see if they're available.


You can read reviews of A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting in Arvada, CO on sources such as Google My Business listings, Yelp, or even Facebook if they have accounts in these places. You might also find A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting reviews on Home Advisor, Indeed, BBB, Glassdoor, Nextdoor, Angie's List, or more. I don't know the Better Business Bureau rating of A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting, or have links to their Facebook page or Yelp, but it's an easy search away. Of course, online reviews, both good or bad, are often fake for various reasons. Your best bet is to call and find out if you like them! Be sure to talk to a technician, not just a phone receptionist.


Prices for wildlife control are rarely standardized, because every job is different: the type of animal, number of animals, repairs needed, etc. Call 303-655-8218 for better details.


The best method of contact is to call 303-655-8218, but if you want to email A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting, visit their website at and use the published contact form or email.


Is A1 Environmental Pest Management & Consulting hiring and can you get a job as a critter removal specialist? I don't know - call them and find out.

Animals We Remove

About Colorado Wildlife

Wildlife of Colorado Including Pest Species
Colorado is home to the infamous Rocky Mountains, but that's not the only habitat type you'll find in this state. In fact, only sixty percent is made up of mountain regions, with the remainder covered in wider, more open spaces, such as rolling prairies. You will also find forests of aspen and spruce-fir, wooded foothills, and rugged, rocky terrains - a great mix for a great mix of wildlife.

Colorado Pest Species
Skunks are the subject of a large number of nuisance wildlife calls in Colorado, of which there are four species: eastern spotted, western spotted, striped, and American hog-nosed skunk. It is the striped skunk that you are likely to find scuffling around in your backyard. Also common is the raccoon, North American beaver, various species of pocket gopher, and a number of mouse/rat species.

The American badger has been known to cause problems from time to time, too, and the Canada goose can be very aggressive and territorial at certain times of the year. The more that forests and other habitat types are removed to make way for industrial parks, farms, business parks, shopping malls, and residential areas, the more wildlife will find itself in the wrong part of time - including dangerous bears and coyotes, protected bats, and even endangered birds.

Colorado Amphibians
One species of salamander (tiger salamander) can be found in the state of Colorado, alongside nine species of frog and nine species of toad.

Alongside the non-native American bullfrog, also known as just bullfrog, you can also expect to see the wood frog, northern cricket frog, canyon tree frog, northern leopard frog, plains leopard frog, western chorus frog, boreal chorus frog, and Great Plains narrowmouth toad ... which has a rather misleading name, because it is actually a frog and not a toad.

The toad species found in Colorado are: Couch's spadefoot, western toad, New Mexico spadefoot, green toad, Great Plains toad, plains spadefoot, Woodhouse's toad, and red-spotted toad.

Colorado Bats
Bats can be found in virtually every habitat type you'll find across Colorado, and it is believed that 18 species reside in the state:

Big brown bat
Little brown bat
Yuma myotis
Red bat
Silver-haired bat
Hoary bat
Long-legged bat
Long-eared bat
Eastern pipistrelle (also known as tri-colored bat)
Western pipistrelle (also known as canyon bat)
Big free-tailed bat
Brazilian free-tailed bat
Western small-footed bat
California bat
Townsend's big-eared bat
Fringed bat
Pallid bat
Spotted bat

Out of these, the big brown bat is the one most commonly sighted and most widespread, but recent years have seen them more commonly in areas of high forest density. During the summer, the silver-haired bat migrates to the state in high numbers and sightings are common.

Colorado Birds
More than 500 different bird species have been identified in the state of Colorado, including six species that have been introduced to the state and don't live there naturally. These are: the chukar, ring-necked pheasant, rock pigeon, Eurasian collared dove, European starling, and house sparrow. Non-native birds can wreak havoc on the existing ecosystem and quickly become a pest for human populations.

American robins are one of the most commonly sighted birds in the state - a bird that is certainly no stranger to a back garden tree. The downy woodpecker joins them throughout most of the state, year round; and hairy woodpeckers are found in abundance in areas of high tree density.

You may also spot the following common Colorado bird species: American goldfinch, house finch, American crow, song sparrow, white-breasted nuthatch, red-winged blackbird, brown-headed cowbird, house wren, mourning dove, black-capped chickadee, common grackle, rufous hummingbird, and Bullock's oriole.

Colorado Carnivores
At one point, Colorado was home to three species of bear: the American bear, grizzly bear, and brown bear. The latter two are now sadly extirpated from the state, leaving the smallest - the American bear (also known as black bear) behind.

A similar fate has caused the extirpation of a number of species from the state, including the jaguar, gray wolf, and wolverine. Conservation efforts are ongoing with the gray wolf, with experts believing that it is possible to reestablish the predator in the state. This has already been achieved with the reintroduction of the Canada lynx and black-footed ferret.

As well as the skunks, badger and raccoon mentioned under Colorado pest species, you will also find the following carnivores and omnivores in the state: gray fox, kit fox, red fox, swift fox, American mink, long-tailed weasel, stoat (also known as ermine or short-tailed weasel), American marten (also known as pine marten), and North American river otter (also known as common otter). All of these creatures have the potential to become pests in their habitats, especially with ongoing habitat destruction.

The ringtail, also known as miner's cat or ringtail cat, is actually a relative of the raccoon family despite the name, and is also found in this state.

Colorado Eulipotyphlans
Only one mole can be found in Colorado: the eastern mole. In areas where it can be found, the mole can be a very destructive nuisance animal, excavating huge quantities of earth and causing problems for structures, animals, and people on the surface.

From the same eulipotyphla family, you will find nine species of shrew in the state: American water shrew, dwarf shrew, montane shrew, Merriam's shrew, American pygmy shrew, Cinereus shrew, Crawford's gray shrew, North American least shrew, and Elliot's short-tailed shrew.

Colorado Rabbits
Seven species of rabbit or hare can be found in Colorado, along with one distant relative of these creatures (within the same Lagomorpha family) - the American pika. This is smaller than most rabbits/hares, with smaller ears.

The pygmy rabbit is a burrowing animal that you definitely wouldn't want hanging around in your backyard for too long, but these creatures can actually stay undetected in human areas for long periods of time, especially in areas where the human activity is relatively low. Alongside this species, the mountain cottontail, eastern cottontail, desert cottontail, white-tailed jackrabbit, black-tailed jackrabbit, and snowshoe hare are also known to inhabit the state.

Colorado Reptiles
Experts believe that 19 different species or subspecies of lizard can be found living in the state of Colorado, with many of them hidden away underground and not easily spotted. This includes four whiptail species, three species of skink, a racerunner, and more.

A grand total of 29 snakes can be found in the state, with the fastest and largest being the coachwhip. Many of the species are small and secretive, in turn making them more difficult to see, but you can sometimes see western terrestrial garter snakes basking in the sun during the hotter months of the year, and the bullsnake is one of the most widespread species. One of the most aggressive species is the non-venomous glossy snake, mostly found in the eastern most areas of Colorado.

The state is home to just one species of water snake: the northern water snake, but this species is only found in the south-east and north-east.

Colorado Rodents
This state is home to a large number of different rodents, including four species of pocket gopher, two species of jumping mouse, 14 other species of mouse, eight species of vole, six species of wood rat, ten species of squirrel, five species of chipmunk, three species of prairie dog, the North American beaver, the North American porcupine, the muskrat, the yellow-bellied marmot (also called the whistle-pig) ... and we could still keep listing Colorado rodents for a while longer still!

The most common rodent in Colorado is the small but fast-to-reproduce deer mouse, which can be found in almost all habitats across the state.


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If you're interested, email me at, or call me at 747-777-6115, and we'll discuss if your area is available. Many areas are sold out, but I work every day to generate more leads, and there's a good chance leads are available for you in Arvada.